check a submission

You can check a submission in 2 ways:

  1. Using the command line tool.

  2. Using nbchkr as a library.

Using the command line tool

Given a source assignment main.ipynb and a submission submitted.ipynb you can check the submission using:

$ nbchkr check --source main.ipynb --submitted submitted.ipynb --feedback-suffix --output data.csv

This creates with feedback and outputs summary scores to data.csv.

Note that given a pattern matching a number of notebooks, for example all notebooks in submissions/ you can check them all at once using:

$ nbchkr check --source main.ipynb --submitted "submissions/*.ipynb" --feedback-suffix --output data.csv

Using nbchkr as a library

All of nbchkr’s functionality is exposed to the user as a library.

Importing the relevant libraries:

>>> import pathlib
>>> import nbchkr.utils

Reading in the source notebook main.ipynb and removing relevant cells:

>>> source_nb_path = pathlib.Path("main.ipynb")
>>> source_nb_node =

Reading in the submitted notebook submitted.ipynb and check that the tags match (if they do not match the checker will still work but the results should be confirmed manually):

>>> submitted_nb_path = pathlib.Path("submitted.ipynb")
>>> nb_node =
>>> tags_match = nbchkr.utils.check_tags_match(source_nb_node=source_nb_node, nb_node=nb_node)
>>> tags_match

Now we will add the checks to the submission from main.ipynb and run them:

>>> nb_node = nbchkr.utils.add_checks(nb_node=nb_node, source_nb_node=source_nb_node)
>>> score, maximum_score, feedback_md, passed_checks = nbchkr.utils.check(nb_node=nb_node)
>>> score
>>> maximum_score
>>> feedback_md
'\n---\n\n## answer:q1\n\n### Integer answer\n\n1 / 1\n\n### Correct answer\n...'
>>> passed_checks
{'Integer answer': True, 'Correct answer': True, 'Presence of docstring': False}

Note that the nbrchkr.utils.check_tags_match, nbchkr.utils.add_checks and nbchkr.utils.check functions can take further arguments that allow for customisation of behaviour.