Source code for nbchkr.utils

import collections
import json
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import nbformat  # type: ignore
import unidecode  # type: ignore
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor  # type: ignore

TAGS_REGEX_PATTERNS_TO_IGNORE = ["hide", r"score:\d"]
SOLUTION_REGEX = re.compile(
    r"### BEGIN SOLUTION[\s\S](.*?)[\s\S]### END SOLUTION", re.DOTALL

UNIVERSAL_REGEX = re.compile(r".", re.DOTALL)
ANSWER_TAG_REGEX = r"answer:*"
SCORE_REGEX = re.compile(r"score:(\d+)")
DESCRIPTION_REGEX = re.compile(r"description:(.*)")

[docs] def read(nb_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str], as_version: int = 4) -> dict: """ Read a jupyter notebook file at `nb_path`. Returns the python `dict` representation. """ with open(nb_path, "r") as f: try: nb =, as_version=as_version) except nbformat.reader.NotJSONError: return {} return nb
[docs] def remove_cells( nb_node, tags_regex_patterns_to_ignore=None, solution_regex=None, solution_repl=None ): # TODO Add typing to this function """ Given a dictionary representation of a notebook, removes: - Cells with tags matching patterns in `tags_regex_patterns_to_ignore` - Text in cells matching the `solution_regex` pattern. Returns the python `dict` representation. """ if tags_regex_patterns_to_ignore is None: tags_regex_patterns_to_ignore = TAGS_REGEX_PATTERNS_TO_IGNORE if solution_regex is None: solution_regex = SOLUTION_REGEX if solution_repl is None: solution_repl = SOLUTION_REPL cells = [] for cell in nb_node["cells"]: if "tags" not in cell["metadata"] or all( not bool(re.match(pattern=pattern, string=tag)) for tag in cell["metadata"]["tags"] for pattern in tags_regex_patterns_to_ignore ): try: source = unidecode.unidecode("".join(cell["source"])) new_source = re.sub( pattern=solution_regex, repl=solution_repl, string=source ) cell["source"] = new_source if solution_repl in cell["source"]: if "outputs" in cell.keys(): cell["outputs"] = [] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover pass # TODO Add test coverage for this statement cells.append(cell) nb_node["cells"] = cells return nb_node
[docs] def write(output_path: pathlib.Path, nb_node: dict): """ Write the python dict representation of a notebook to `output_path`. """ output_path.write_text(json.dumps(nb_node))
[docs] def add_checks(nb_node: dict, source_nb_node: dict, answer_tag_regex=None) -> dict: """ Given a `nb_node` and a source `source_nb_node`, add the cells in `nb_node` with tags matching `answer_tag_regex` to `source_nb_node` This is used to add a student's answers to the source notebook. """ if answer_tag_regex is None: answer_tag_regex = ANSWER_TAG_REGEX answers = { tag: cell for cell in nb_node["cells"] for tag in cell["metadata"].get("tags", []) if bool(re.match(pattern=answer_tag_regex, string=tag)) } for i, cell in enumerate(source_nb_node["cells"]): for tag in cell["metadata"].get("tags", []): if tag in answers: source_nb_node["cells"][i] = answers[tag] elif bool(re.match(pattern=answer_tag_regex, string=tag)): source_nb_node["cells"][i]["source"] = "" return source_nb_node
[docs] def get_tags(cell: dict, tag_seperator: str = "|", tag_regex=None) -> str: """ Given a `cell` of a notebook, return a string with all tags that match `tag_regex` separated by `|`. """ if tag_regex is None: tag_regex = UNIVERSAL_REGEX try: return tag_seperator.join( [ tag for tag in cell["metadata"]["tags"] if bool(re.match(pattern=tag_regex, string=tag)) ] ) except KeyError: return ""
[docs] def get_score(cell: dict, score_regex_pattern=None) -> int: """ Given a `cell` of a notebook, return the score as defined by the `score_regex_pattern`. """ if score_regex_pattern is None: score_regex_pattern = SCORE_REGEX tags = get_tags(cell) if tags != "": search =, string=tags) try: return int( # type: ignore except AttributeError: return None return None
[docs] def get_description( cell: dict, description_regex_pattern=None, tag_seperator: str = "|" ) -> str: """ Given a `cell` of a notebook, return the description as defined by the `description_regex_pattern`. """ if description_regex_pattern is None: description_regex_pattern = DESCRIPTION_REGEX tags = get_tags(cell, tag_seperator=tag_seperator) if tags != "": for tag in tags.split(tag_seperator): search =, string=tag) try: return"-", " ").capitalize() # type: ignore except AttributeError: pass return ""
[docs] def check( nb_node: dict, timeout: int = 600, score_regex_pattern=None, answer_tag_pattern=None, ) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int], str, dict]: """ Given a `nb_node`, it executes the notebook and keep track of the score. This returns 4 things: - The student score - The total score obtainable - Some feedback in markdown format - A dictionary mapping check description tags to a boolean """ if score_regex_pattern is None: score_regex_pattern = SCORE_REGEX if answer_tag_pattern is None: answer_tag_pattern = ANSWER_TAG_REGEX ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=timeout, allow_errors=True) ep.preprocess(nb_node) total_score = 0 maximum_score = 0 passed_check = {} feedback_md = "" for cell in nb_node["cells"]: answer_tags = get_tags(cell=cell, tag_regex=answer_tag_pattern) if ( answer_tags is not None and len(get_tags(cell=cell, tag_regex=answer_tag_pattern)) > 0 ): feedback_md += f""" --- ## {answer_tags} """ # TODO Use the walrus operator here. if get_score(cell, score_regex_pattern=score_regex_pattern) is not None: score = get_score(cell) description = get_description(cell) if description != "": feedback_md += f""" ### {description} """ maximum_score += score try: outputs = cell["outputs"][0] if outputs["output_type"] == "error": # TODO Add something here that outputs the error to a log. # Do this for errors that are not expected so not NbChkr... # errors. question_feedback = outputs["evalue"] passed_check[description] = False feedback_md += f""" {question_feedback} 0 / {score} """ except (KeyError, IndexError): feedback_md += f""" {score} / {score} """ total_score += score passed_check[description] = True return total_score, maximum_score, feedback_md, passed_check
[docs] def check_tags_match( source_nb_node: dict, nb_node: dict, tag_seperator: str = "|", tag_regex=None, ) -> bool: """ This checks if the count of tags that match `tag_regex` on each cell matches. Note that it does not necessarily guarantee that the tags are on the same cells. """ if tag_regex is None: tag_regex = ANSWER_TAG_REGEX source_nb_tags = [ get_tags(cell, tag_seperator=tag_seperator, tag_regex=tag_regex) for cell in source_nb_node["cells"] ] nb_tags = [ get_tags(cell, tag_seperator=tag_seperator, tag_regex=tag_regex) for cell in nb_node["cells"] ] # TODO I do not really understand why the `["", None]` is required here. # This is unwanted behaviour from `get_tags` which is returning empty tags. # Aim to remove this.` source_nb_tag_counter = collections.Counter( [tag for tag in source_nb_tags if tag not in ["", None]] ) nb_tag_counter = collections.Counter( [tag for tag in nb_tags if tag not in ["", None]] ) return source_nb_tag_counter == nb_tag_counter